Senin, 06 Desember 2010


november has gone and it is december
a lots of random i've done with big-failed on my endocrinology's exam. Of course I studied , I worked hard totally. 
Actually I dont really like to reminisce these moment , it was like a bomb-blast in my head
there is one question that always disturbing my mind. Is there any wrong way to study ? maybe about my methods or anything else , maybe I need to appreciate my college stuff than anothers , maybe Its should becoming priority. I dont know !!
then , muhaha ..
a good news, my mother offered some idea for me to run from all of stress , pressure and hectic life. it was a short trip to lombok haha, thanks mom

ok then, i submitted some of my old stock photos from my deviantart "hibernation" account

#NP flying to the moon - frank sinatra

Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a-Jupiter and Mars
In other words, hold my hand
In other words, baby, kiss me

Fill my heart with song
And let me sing for ever more
You are all I long for
All I worship and adore
In other words, please be true
In other words, I love you

Sabtu, 13 November 2010


I was remembering the smell of sunny day, lovely sand and beach and beach and beach

Senin, 01 November 2010

a box of wishlist

Hello November xoxo
I decided I needed to refresh my own wishlist, a list of I wanted to do and its sounds like a goal setting without breaking promises
the items are written at random, no priority of want what so ever 

2. Being more Orginazer
3. All novel by Jane austen, jodi picoult and Nicholas spark 
4. making a wedding photography concept :p
5. exam exam and exam 


Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010


I’m headin’ out to enjoy 

the day


blossom flowers

green-precious grass

childhood balloons

with some of my favorite people
and it was sunny nd warm!! :p

her name, dinda 

ill probably submit another photos hmm, another day


Senin, 25 Oktober 2010

medical x faculty x competition

hello days 
I submitted this photos to complete not-big essay Competition around my campus, ONLY!!
 actually, we had to go through a lot of trouble only to take these simple photos , time time and time hahaha
that was funny and simple, not gosh and whew and ritzy and yea, something like that 


they are a medical student nevertheless it doesnt stop them from trying to find their own love

(small size sorry )

well well
this is the least i can do to participate

thank you amet , hana, lutfi,dimas and tika
we are "rekan sejawat"

Minggu, 17 Oktober 2010

morning dish

hello world !! hello october !! hello monday
yeah, every day is different . I prefered aster and a novel by jane austen  
but there is  one constant , my lovely morning tea

have a nice day xoxo 

Sabtu, 16 Oktober 2010

hello risa

hello risa

well for as long as I wish to, I am going to write something about myself. It can be something I discovered, something I like or dislike, or simply something I need or want
a goal, process,discover nd realize
i need to write something about my life

just call me risa
women, 20 year old , has always been passionate about art ,music and nature but ended up taking medical as a  major in the university so , get me out of here :p 

my big dreams , finish my study, collect a lot of money and never stop travel around the world. wish someday and I will

- xoxo - 

Room Sweet Room

bee told something

kring kring , sounds of the postman..
haha, a lovely new lens cam has come *dancing like a madman*

 catch me !! behind behind
 tada !!
 ah lovely , somebody should help me ...
 yeah , still smile
 finally, taking a peep " hihihi "
 and peep
 " puih, lalala, the black one oh,lovely !! yah, me ,lens and box "

 push push, cant wait to to to ...

 woop woop
 push till down
 what kind of place is ?
 warm ,comfort and cosy ..
 lalaala, i got a solution
 yabadoo, i want a blankie then
 grok grok!!

ok,here was a story 
my new lens ordered by my boy, and presented to me
lovely lovely lovely :*
thanks you dear xoxo
thank you for a lovely and so lovely lens

and its me with my 50mm f1/8

I can't even express how pleased I am about it

*kiss hug*

Jumat, 15 Oktober 2010

exam weekie

Hi guys! Can anybody offer some advice on performing the muskuloskeletal exam !!
totally boring
here is some story ....

 and thanks God , Im the luckiest with this minor set
 haha, my surgery victim

 yes, the way to use needle holder

 and bla bla bla

random bad random !!

yeah, wish me luck tomorrow xoxo